Saturday, April 9, 2011

Reading Blog - The Mythical Man-Month Ch 7 - 9

Ch 7
This chapter deals with the importance of communication. It is key to accomplish the goals of the project. A workbook is an excellent way to keep the communication going by documenting everything needed to get the project finished. It should be distributed and kept up to date.

Ch 8
The chapter focuses more on the productivity of a team. Many times, planned schedules are not always correct because productivity may be slowed by unexpected problems that could not be accounted for. Meeting also play a role in the delayed time.

Ch 9
Space management is an important thing to take into consideration when dealing with projects. It can dictate the direction of your project and may need to take into account various trade offs.

I mostly enjoyed the chapter dealing with productivity. I have often found myself planning but they are always derailed with unexpected problems.

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