Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Reading Blog - Design of Future Things Ch 5

This chapter discusses the automation of things. The author starts of with a simple example of a coffee machine. He explains how this has changed the way humans prepare coffee. From this example, he jumps to a more elaborate smart house that is automated to fit you needs based on your physical actions, such as the example of going to bed. The idea of ethnography to do these automatons introduces with a Microsoft teams doing such a study to cater to a family to make a more intelligent living experience. The book then goes back to a simpler example of the refrigerator and introduces the idea of augmentation. This is the idea that a task is not automated but it is smart enough to help you through your task, thus augmenting its function to the user.

I thought it was interesting how they brought up the ethnography research. It makes more sense how ethnography can be applied to computer science and I can see what direction it is heading to. I feel this gave me a better picture of what to do and/or expect from an ethnography for computer science. 

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