Chapter 7
This chapter dealt with breaking down larger programs into smaller parts that can be released little by little. It takes the approach of making small releases until the entire system or program has been replaced. This leaves room for change when the customer decides to go in a different direction. The chapter gives several examples in which a legacy system can slowly but surely be replaces in small releases without disturbing the work flow.
I agree that it is best to release in small amounts. This helps avoid programing some large scale project that may need to be modified. If you release it all at the end, then the changes may need to be implemented and you would have to restructure the system potentially. Little by little gives you wiggle room for unexpected changes and to show progress.
Chapter 8
This chapter explains to the customer their roles and responsibilities when it comes to releases. The customer has every right to know what can be done in what time and make release decisions based on this information. The customer also has the responsibility to be there for the progrmmers and explore and clear up any questions they may have. Based on the points per each story, customer can set relese dats or schedules imn order to getwhat they feel is more important.
This chapter gives a good explanation of the roles and responsibilities of a customer and it lets me know, as a programmer, what to expect and how some release decisions are made. It is good to know what goes through the customer's head and how they prioritize.
Chapter 9
This chapter talks about the iteration meeting and actually delivering and the method that goes behind it. It starts by the customer presenting stories to which programmers assign points to. It begins with brainstorming followed by assigning and picking stories.
This chapter feels like it is the culmination of the last several chapters put together to show the method of extreme programming as a process with customers, managers, and programmers. It helps illustrate how it all comes together to work.
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