Saturday, April 9, 2011

Reading Blog - The Inmates are Running the Asylum Ch 1 -2

Ch 1
The book opens up by discussing problems many people face with using computers. The example of a digital that is hard to use due to new features being added is given. The standard functions are hidden under all the new extra added features. Sometimes programmers may make non intuitive programs for the users unintended. Programmers must understand their users and frame of references and step outside of theirs.

Ch 2
This chapter discusses cognitive friction which is intellect engaging in a complex system that changes as the rules change. There are different users that encounter this. The apologist which desire a challenge and the computer illiterate which want ways of doing things easily.

I found this book so far interesting. I agree with the different types of users who encounter cognitive friction. I could be a bit rage educing. I look forward to reading the book further to see other type of computer and system users.

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