Monday, April 11, 2011

Reading Blog - The Mythical Man-Month Ch 13 - 15


Ch 13
Programs and projects are bound to have bugs. This requires a lot of testing and debugging. Top-down designs will make it easier to fix these issues and make it less time consuming.

Ch 14
Projects must be kept on schedule and have deliverables or goals reached on the road to completion. Estimating the time it will take to complete a project and planning ahead will make it go by a lot easier and finished faster.

Ch 15
Documentation is important especially when trying to explain to the user what it is the program does, how it is run, inputs, and troubleshooting. Programs should have a test program to verify it works correctly before the user gets to use it. It also helps in the future if changes need to be made.

These mostly talk about scheduling and documentation. It seems its important to estimate scheduling of release as well as document it. Also, the documentation of the program will also be needed for users to properly learn the program.

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